What We Do

Sunday In Person

At Concordia, we offer two formats:

  • 8:30AM Classic Worship. Classic Worship features organ music, liturgy, a Bible message, and Communion each week. Classic Worship lasts about an hour.
  • 10:30AM Family Worship. Family Worship is for all ages. In Family Worship you can expect singing, prayer, a Bible message and different activities, games, or experiences that help draw connections between what we hear at church and our lives. This creates the “space” for conversations about God to continue naturally throughout the week at home. All of it happens in less than an hour.

You can also continue to find the weekly Bible message on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page.

You’ll also see video snippets and graphics that will reinforce the core message of the weekly teaching on our FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM pages.

For each Sunday, we offer two worship services; these messages are taped and available on our YOUTUBE channel and our FACEBOOK page. https://subsplash.com/podcast_concordiachurch/media

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pastor Schmidt at pastor@concordiachurch.com ,or Alex Parker at alex@concordiachurch.com, or Melissa at melissa@concordiachurch.com.

Online Messages

Every weekend we publish on Youtube and Facebook an online message. They typically will be available on Saturday morning. They will be 30-40 minutes in length. The weekend launches a week of learning how to apply God’s truth.

The weekly Bible message itself (generally 25-30 minutes) is found on our YouTube channel Concordia Church Youtube Channel and our Facebook page www.facebook.com/concordiachurchandschool and the PODCAST section of our website. You can continue to find the weekly Bible message on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page.

The PODCAST of Sunday’s ONSITE MESSAGE is found exclusively here: The Concordia Church Podcast Episode Collection. Please also consider downloading our church app — HERE.


Here at Concordia, we believe that together we can learn how to live and love like Jesus and support each other in the journey of connecting faith and life. Our groups are organized in 4-6 week sessions approximately 3 or 4 times a year. A good way for the whole family to experience Concordia and dig into the message of that week is to attend our Friday Faith Night group which is an experience for everyone and all ages. We begin at 6pm with a light dinner and have a whole group session before we break off into groups for all ages.

Contact Melissa Salomon at melissa@concordiachurch.com to find out when our next group season starts.

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1695 Discovery Falls Drive Chula Vista, CA 91915

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(619) 656-8100